Showing posts with label Personal Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal Development. Show all posts

How to Be True to Yourself in an Increasingly Judgemental World

Pointing to the truh in yourself
When you're true to yourself, you can't help but be true to others. You'll find your confidence growing, along with your ability to build meaningful relationships and share yourself with the world in a genuine way. In this article, you will find out how you can be true to yourself. The opportunities this provides will help improve in all aspects of your life — from work to home life.

Own who you are

Don’t try to be someone else or pretend to be something that you are not. Be honest with yourself and others, and they will appreciate your authenticity.

In life, it is important to own who you are – your feelings, values, individuality and mistakes (and even strengths and weaknesses). The more we own these things about ourselves today; the easier tomorrow will be for us as we develop and fundamentally live our lives.

Own your feelings

It's important to know that owning your feelings isn’t about being angry or sad all the time and making everyone around you miserable. It also doesn't mean accepting things in a passive way that makes you feel like a victim, either. Instead, it means being honest with yourself about how you feel and being willing to communicate those feelings openly with others in a way that feels authentic for you.

This is by no means easy to do at first. But once you begin to accept that feeling your emotions is completely normal and that everyone goes through them, you’ll be able to regulate and manage your emotions much more easily. Therefore, you will be able to express your feelings in a more sincere and open manner.

Of course, going through this transition isn’t an overnight process. But, the key is to not let your emotions define who you are and instead percieve your emotions as something that is happening to you in response to the way you think. So, you have the ability to completely control your emotions through your mindset and therefore how you percieve the world around you.

 Equally, it is vital that you understand how it is not only important for you, but also your loved ones that you can accept your emotions without judgment or shame. When you are able to process what's going on inside without having everything spill over into your relationships you avoid negatively affecting those around you. So, you end up conveying a sincere and genuine self with love and compassion.

Communicate effectively

Being able to communicate with clarity is a key way to live true to yourself and others. After all, you can't expect other people to understand you if you don't take the time to clearly and directly express your thoughts, feelings, and desires. 

It's also important that you're able to listen well in order for others to feel heard and understood by you. Being an effective communicator requires more than just expressing yourself; it also means knowing how best to listen at various times during a conversation so that everyone feels like they have their say and that their opinions matter.

Effective communicators should also be able to give criticism when necessary - especially when there are errors in judgment or performance - and they must learn how best to not only accept criticism, but also to give criticism constructively so as not put other people off balance or make them feel attacked or intimidated.

Finally, being a good communicator means having assertive skills: knowing what needs to be said (and why), knowing how much detail is enough but not too much (as to leave room for questions), and also allowing all parties' voices to be heard in conversations rather than dominating with monologues about yourself and your experiences.

These communication skills will help build trust among team members because everyone feels heard regardless of position within an organization’s hierarchy; hence, greater collaboration takes place among co-workers who share mutual respect despite differences between departments or personal backgrounds/experiences.

Value yourself

If you value yourself, you know that all people are valuable. If a person does not value themselves, they can’t see the worth in others. After all, being able to see the worth in others is also an important part of supportive and proactive relationships.

Ultimatley, you need to know how to value yourself! When you first start out on this journey, it might be hard to not get caught up in self-centeredness and self-defeating behavior patterns. But if you keep working on it, then eventually you will be able to really see who you are and what you want out of life!

Spend time with people who share your values

In this world, it's important to surround yourself with people who share your values. It's true that there are many wonderful people out there who don't share the same beliefs as you. But in order to be happy and feel at peace, it's also vital that you surround yourself with those who share your same ideals and vision in life.

That being said, don't be afraid! Don't be afraid of conflict or disagreement. These things happen naturally in any relationship. The good news is that a little bit of healthy conflict can actually strengthen relationships by helping us understand our own views better and working together on solutions for issues we face together as a group or community.

Remember: don't change yourself for anyone else; only do what feels right to you and is a reflection of your authentic self.

Don’t be afraid to express your individuality, even if it makes you stand out from he crowd.

Being true to yourself and others is important because it allows you to be who you want to be. This allows you to live a more fulfilling life that aligns with your values and beliefs. 

So, even when expressing your individuality makes you stand out from the crowd, you won't care what other people think if you adopt this mentality. Plus other people are more likely to respect who you are as a person because they will be able to see your true colours shining through.

Being true to yourself starts by knowing and accepting who you are

It's important to know what you value, what you want and what you don't want. You need to be able to tell the difference between when your values are being met in your life and when they're not. Your values will help guide decisions that make sense for your life because they are shaped by deep-seated principles that reflect how you like to live your life as well as what type of person you want to be.

Being true to oneself means having an authentic relationship with yourself. This should be a relationship based on trust, respect, kindness and honesty; one where there is no need for pretense or masks; and one where you are able to acknowledge but also embrace who you truly are at your core.

Being true also means recognizing that no matter where we come from or what background we have been born into (whether rich or poor), every single person deserves respect no matter their circumstances. Everyone has values and a right to live life guided by ther own morals regardless of what other people think of them!


Being true to yourself is a journey. It's not an easy one, but it's worth it. You deserve to feel good about who you are, and your friends and family will respect you more when they know that you're authentic.

How to be Successful in Life: Napoleon Hill's 17 Principles of Success

  Napoleon Hill reading his bestselling book: Think and Grow Rich

Everyone wants to achieve success in life, yet very few people manage to do so!
Managing to live a ‘successful’, rewarding, and enriching life isn’t a simple or fast process. 
But, Napoleon Hill does a superb job in guiding you to live a meaningful and rewarding life within his 17 Principles of Success. 

A Quick Background: Who was Napoleon Hill and Why Should YOU follow his advice?

Napoleon Hill (1883 - 1970)  was an American author in the self-help and personal-success genres (and he was one of the first people to write about such genres).
He dedicated his whole life to uncovering how people became successful, and he strived to identify the characteristics of success and achievement.  

Napoleon Hill's most noteworthy book, Think and Grow Rich (1937), is one of the top 10 best selling self-help books of all time and is arguably one of the best self-help books ever written. 
The extent of his research being this book is incredible. 
He interviewed over 500 self-made millionaires over the course of 20 years and   he identified many key characteristics between these people.